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Media Partners

Publications, websites and institutions related to this event, its satellite events and its venue are welcome to enter a media partnership with SENSORNETS, by means of which they assist in divulging the conference through a link exchange, by forwarding our Call for Papers or by publishing news pieces about the event, its speakers or satellite events.

Current Media Partners:

FoCAS - Fundamentals of Collective Adaptive Systems

The socio-technical fabric of our society more and more depends on systems that are constructed as a collective of heterogeneous components and that are tightly entangled with humans and social structures. Their components increasingly need to be able to evolve, collaborate and function as a part of an artificial society.
The FET FP7 FoCAS coordination action is an umbrella project which aims to integrate, coordinate and help increase visibility for research carried out in the FOCAS Proactive Initiative and in research fields related to collective adaptive systems. Activities include:
• Roadmapping – defining the future research agenda by engaging with experts within and outside of Europe and running consultation events
• Facilitating community building and collaboration opportunities for researchers interested in collective adaptive systems through workshops and conferences
• Online media lounge with downloadable resources to encourage improved collaboration between researchers within Europe and internationally
• Providing dissemination opportunities, a positive interface between scientists, industry and the science-aware public to demonstrate how CAS can impact on society
• Providing training opportunities for researchers through summer schools
For more information please visit:

Sensors & Systems

Sensors & Systems covers the integrated technologies of GIS, remote sensing, modeling, spatial analysis, surveying and sensor technologies for the understanding of change. We focus on some of the key challenges that these tools help us address, including energy, water, food, biodiversity, environment and security.
